About Us

We strongly believe that once people’s dignity is safeguarded, everything else will fall into place; hence the name “DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA”.

Our Vision & Mission


We envision Somalia where every person lives with dignity and is assured of the opportunity to achieve self-fulfillment and contribute to nation-building.


Our mission is to safeguard and promote human dignity of marginalized, Minority and vulnerable populations for the attainment of social and economic development.

Core Values

The centrality of human being is the key principle underpinning all DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) values and interventions. It underlines the importance of the principles of equality, justice, peace, solidarity and the duty of every human being to help all those in need or distress, without influence of any kind.


We work in full coherence with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on Human Rights: it does not make any difference or discrimination whatsoever based on race, gender, religious belief, nationality, ethnic origin or class of people who are in need of help.


In the eyes of DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS), the victim must be the primary concern in every circumstance, irrespective of any political, religious or social differences or beliefs. Its humanitarian activities are implemented in an impartial manner in respect of whatever population or person at risk, or in circumstances of serious need. This does not prevent DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA from identifying those people or institutions responsible for specific disaster situations, either natural or man-made catastrophes, and from taking a public stance on the matter.


DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) is not controlled by any political or ideological, national, or international authority. This freedom of thought and opinion allows DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA to report all human rights’ violations and every form of injustice and breach, whilst not being unduly influenced. The same principle of independence determines the standards by which financial donors, both private and public, are chosen.

Professional in solidarity

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) considers solidarity and professionalism to be two indispensable and indivisible components in its humanitarian work; they are essential elements to respond to the needs of a population with humanity, effectiveness and quality.

Attentive to local capacity

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) always places the value and dignity of human beings at the center of its activities. This is why it immediately involves the local population when implementing actions, developing and strengthening the capabilities and expertise of individuals and of the community, thereby gradually eliminating dependence on external help. Its relationship with local populations is based on openness, dialogue, exchange and participation.


DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) operates thanks to the funds from public and private donors. The budget for every single project is verified by public financial experts and certified by financial auditors. The annual budget is certified and made available to the public.

Our Objectives

To respond to the local communities’ emergency humanitarian concerns with respect to their dignity and/or restore their dignity where applicable.

Safeguarding the rights of the most vulnerable in the communities we serve, including the most disadvantage minority, and marginalized, persons living with disabilities

To draw the attention of the International Humanitarian Community prioritizing minority communities’ concerns for them to get access information and humanitarian intervention.

Administrative Arrangements

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA is administered on three levels

The Headquarters (Main Office) works in conjunctions with the Regional Hub / Office in the development of long and short-term policies, and is responsible for administrating and representing the organization at coordination meeting held at National level.

The office constitutes of departmental focal points who can be drawn from the reginal and even site level office (however the department heads can also be independently stationed at national level or engaged on advisory role based on need). Main Office dispatches a monitoring team to visit the project site and consult directly with community representatives.

The Regional Hubs /Offices support several District Offices, and they are jointly responsible for ensuring that the projects are implemented according to stated agreement, if and when modifications are necessary, the appropriate Headquarter level department can be engaged. District/Site level and regional representatives can also directly engage with donors to come quick and practical decisions at the field level. The Regional Office combines the monthly updates in to quarterly report, which are forwarded to the donor and Main Office based on project requirements.

The District and Site-level Office(s) are at the grassroot level and maintains close contact with the local Community, providing hand on services. They support with the inception of project ideas, hance development, implementation and evaluation points.

Each level is responsible for monitoring, so that all processes are integrated and all members can efficiently familiarize with the project’s progress. At the HQ and grassroots level crossover, participants and appropriate line departments evaluate and provide feedback for the project on monthly basis. The exercises are based on observations and documentations including reports submitted to the Regional Office.

Regional Coverage

We are based in the South Central Regions:

  • Mogadishu/Daynille & Kaxda
  • Afgoye
  • Cadale
  • Warsheikh
  • Jowhar
  • Baydhabo

Strategic Plans

Community Mobilization and Trainings

Mobilization and trainings at community level are conducted targeting; local leadership strictures; community-based organizations (CBOs), opinion leaders, village leadership, youth groups, women groups, partner organizations and government officials given the inequality in access to and control over resources.

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) approach is to encourage positioning of women in leadership opportunities and also advocated against drop-out rates for the girls;

Other Key issues on include:

  • adequate care for children (special needs for girls),
  • needs of marginalized members of the community and minority groups as well as people living with disabilities.

In order to impact on local communities, DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA strives to strengthen staff capacities, through:

  1. Internal and external trainings
  2. Internal and external workshops on strategies
  3. Engage on peer-to-peer experience sharing (including technical volunteers from local communities).

Research, Learning and Information Sharing

Based on success DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) documents and consolidates best practices that have effectively resolved priority needs, identifying problem areas and challenges in specific areas. The information gathered is studied evaluate and the findings made available to all stakeholders and interested development actors.

Advocacy and Networking

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA(DFS) advocates and promotes for sustainability, participatory and community-based approaches. This is with an aim to promote co-operation, information sharing and experience sharing and coordination. Specific activities for advocacy and networking includes workshops, promoting creation of and participation in forum for exchange of ideas, (and media engagements when applicable).

Resource mobilization

DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA (DFS) use SWOT analysis to understand existing capacities, problems and resources. This helps with understanding of the areas critical resources needed and how/when to prioritize immediate response. DIGNITY FIRST SOMALIA use both internal and collaboration approaches including application for pooled funds to address critical needs within the communities of its reach.